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Time-Weighted Rate of Return (TWRR) vs Simple Return

Time-Weighted Rate of Return ("TWRR") is a measure of how a Fund or portfolio has performed over a period of time, while Simple Return is a basic calculation of your Net Earnings / Total Amount Invested.

Illustration: TWRR for "Fund A"

Value Date Transaction Type Unit Price (MYR) Income Distribution Net Amount (MYR) Investment Amount (MYR)






Market Value as at 10/05/2016 = MYR 20,681.18

Capital Return = RM0.5431 / RM0.5306 = 2.3558%

Income Return = (RM0.02 / RM0.5407 + 1) * (RM0.0075 / RM0.5719 + 1) * (RM0.005 / RM0.5592 + 1) - 1 = 5.9982%

Total Return =  (2.3558% + 1) * (5.9982% + 1) - 1 = 8.50%

On the other hand, the Simple Return for this investment is as below:

Simple Return = [(Market Value - Total Amount Invested) / Total Amount Invested] x 100%

= [(RM20,681.18 - RM20,000.00) / RM20,000.00] x 100%

= 3.41%

View returns on invested capital

"View returns on invested capital" is a new feature that we have introduced to investors to ease their tracking of their invested capital. After years of investing, switching, redeeming, it may be difficult to keep track of your initial invested capital, and returns based on that. 

Total Amount Invested, Total Redemption and Net Investment Amount in "View returns based on invested capital" is calculated based on the following formula, in the respective pages:

  1. Home Page (Dashboard)
    Total Amount Invested = Investment + Transfer In, tracks your total invested capital
    Total Redemption = Redemption + Transfer Out + Dividend Paid Out, tracks your redemption including dividend received
    Net Investment Amount = Total Amount Invested - Total Redemption
  2. My Accounts Page where all your accounts are shown on the same page
    Total Amount Invested = Investment + Transfer In, tracks your total invested capital for each account
    Total Redemption = Redemption + Transfer Out + Dividend Paid Out, tracks your redemption including dividend received for each account
    Net Investment Amount = Total Amount Invested - Total Redemption
  3. Account Page where all the funds in that account are shown
    Total Amount Invested = Investment + Switch In + Transfer In + Shift In, tracks your total invested capital for each fund according to its plan (EPF/ Plan)
    Total Redemption = Redemption + Switch Out + Transfer Out + Shift Out + Dividend Paid Out, tracks your redemption including dividend received for each account
    Net Investment Amount = Total Amount Invested - Total Redemption

Some key notes:
  1. Switch In and Shift In transactions are excluded when calculating the Total Amount Invested in "My Accounts" and "Home Page", so this will not double the initial capital injected.
  2. Switch Out and Shift Out transactions are excluded when calculating the Total Redemption in "My Accounts" and "Home", as there were no movement of capital out of your investment accounts.
  3. Dividends that are reinvested are excluded when calculating the Total Amount Invested and Total Redemption. They are reflected in your market value that contributes to the gain/loss.
  4. Given the difference in formula used across different pages, you will not be able to total up the amount.

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